Should sexting between teens be illegal? - illegal pics teens
If it is illegal for people under 18 years of sending nude photos of themselves, their partners?
Of child pornography should be included in the register of sex offenders and expenses when they have children?
One reason that we ask is that hundreds of youths were arrested and labeled as sex offenders for this. Some say anti-porn people, that people should get the real thing, rather than pornography.
Now problem is that people complain even if the young people get the real thing.
Thus, adolescents sexting poor or young people to have sex?
So please take a look at this Facebook group: # / Group.php? Gid = 240336595595 & ref = ts
No, it hurts the people it is believed that the right protecting.Total failure.
No politician who write these laws have done things in the back seat when teenagers who do not tell their children.
If "sexting" is, what kind of sex in prison sentences for young people, led, which means that every young preganant be put in jail.
A police officer in my area has a child sent a picture of his penis. Of course I am accused, arrested and lost his job. Oh, no, no nation was that he was not aware of. In fact, he was put on paid leave and return to work 6 months and 6 months richer. Oh, the shame of it all.
I think everything goes in the category of "do any way, and probably because of the fever, that would be illegal.
Adults get caught, they are subject to 10 years in prison for possession of child pornography. This is no joke.
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