Reflux, colic what is wrong with my 3 month old? - twisted bowel symptoms newborn
Not from the moment of birth, which lasted more than 8 hours of the payments stop crying. I went to 6 doctors and two pediatricians so far, but nobody seems to help in the situation. The doctor thought it might be a reaction to his formula, and I switched to a soy-based formula. He did not. She was diagnosed as allergic to soy protein and also with milk allergy to cow's milk, so I'm on Neocate formula, but it does not help either. It is now 3.5 months old. Among the formula-feed during the day, it is quite calm and happy. She has two dirty diapers a week and she has several wet diapers a day. Approx. 5 hours per night, she begins to cry and not stop. It may take up to 11-1. Then for a few hoursYou wake up screaming and stays awake two hours, then go back to bed, waking every three hours to 10 hours. I am exhausted and I'm not ready. I cry all the time. She said it was colic told me it was reflux. Prescribed Zantac drops, but they did not help. After each regular baby food and formula feeding, burping, but even after she has her bottle, she screams and cries for a further hour. The doctors told me that he had to be overcome, and after feeding are held. I do, but nothing works. My daughter is 9 years had similar symptoms when a newborn, but it turned out that he had a twisted intestine. Anyone who has already ruled daughter.What old with my 3 months is wrong with my child? I need help, please.
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